Quality & Certifications

At Betap, quality comes first, but we go even further! We strive for the ultimate customer experience in every phase of our process. Whether it’s the choice of raw materials, design, advice from our experts, or post-service, we deliver the best. Our ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certifications ensure that we meet all your expectations.


At Betap, we understand that our quality directly contributes to your business performance. By consistently delivering the highest quality, we ensure that you reap the benefits. This motivates us to continually strive for excellent product quality, timely delivery, and outstanding service. Our Quality Management System monitors whether we continue to meet these high standards.


ISO certification was introduced in 1947 to ensure international quality standards. The ISO certificate guarantees that processes meet rigorous requirements and encourages innovation. Achieving ISO certification is a challenging process. Therefore, we are proud to have obtained both the ISO 9001:2015 certificate and the ISO 14001:2015 certificate for various production processes. This means that we control our processes, comply with legal requirements, and meet industry standards in the carpet sector. Additionally, this demonstrates our commitment to environmental management and sustainability.


Betap, founded in 1918, started as a manufacturer of rush mats and has since grown into a global player in the carpet industry. Our commitment to quality, high-level service, and environmental awareness is central to everything we do.

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate forms the foundation of our Quality Management System, which describes all functions of the organization. This certificate guarantees that our processes comply with international quality standards and encourages innovation. Additionally, we undergo periodic reevaluation to ensure ongoing compliance with these standards.

Furthermore, we have also obtained the ISO 14001:2015 certificate. This certificate focuses on environmental management and demonstrates our dedication to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. As an organization, we are deeply aware of the importance of quality, service, and the environment, driving continuous improvement!

View the sectors in which we work.