Annually, hundreds of new green labels and certificates emerge. Do you know what they stand for? Many companies prefer to hide behind them. At Betap, we make it our business to be open about our road to sustainable carpets.
We have earned the trust of globally reputable partners with open communication and fact-based information. To deliver objective product transparency, we partner with EcoChain. Their Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) enable true insight into a product’s materials, as well as factual comparisons between products.
From the procurement of raw materials to the logistics decisions we make, we use these EPDs to gain insight into our energy management and optimise our processes accordingly. Ultimately, that is how we can make the biggest energy reductions, thus contributing to the production of sustainable carpets.
But that is not all. We wanted to create a truly circular economy – a highly complicated process that has no short cuts. For instance, we had to find out how to produce a fully recyclable carpet. Next, we needed to found out how they could be systematically returned to us for recycling while protecting our financial goals and minimising CO2 emission. We also had to establish how much it would cost to invest in custom separation technologies while covering up our commercial footprints. And finally, we had to identify suitable target destinations for our used raw materials.
Our product and manufacturing engineers cracked the code of this hugely complex puzzle.
First of all, they created a process using powder coating technology. This enabled us to use 100% polypropylene, polyester, or any other raw material, making our carpets fully recyclable. By melting these materials into recy-granulate, they created the raw material for yarn and fibre. These, in turn, could be used in new sustainable carpet squares or rolls. They also developed a modular carpet square, which makes reversed logistics easier than difficult-to-handle, often dirty, carpet rolls. By doing this, Betap has been able to reduce its carbon footprint by 80%. The name of this high-quality, sustainable carpet? NextGen.
Read more about NextGen’s high-quality carpet collection.
Betap has created a range of 100% recyclable products in every product segment
Betap created a reduction up to
80% in the carbon-footprint
Betap is 100 % committed. Sustainability continues to be the core of everything we do
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”
Native American Proberb